Meet Hon. Ms. Sweta Kumar

Hon. Ms. Sweta Kumar maybe small in height but, she is one of the most strongest member of United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji).

Ms. Kumar believes that discipline is very important in any organization. Therefore, she always ensures that all UNA Fiji members follow all the rules and regulations of UNA Fiji. If any member fails to do so Ms. Kumar will fine them.

The 21-year-old is an Executive Committee Member, Deputy Treasurer and the Whip of UNA Fiji.

Ms. Kumar is originally from the Anaconda town, Navua. She is a final year University of the South Pacific (USP) student pursuing her studies in Bachelor of Commerce Double Majoring in Management and Tourism. She is a recipient of the National Topper Scholarship.

Ms. Kumar has made remarkable progress in the organisation which she joined in 2019 when she completed the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP) successfully.

She has previously served as the Secretary of UNA Fiji from 7 August 2021 to 9 April 2022, prior to which she also served as an Executive Committee Member.

Ms. Kumar believes that BDTP helps an individual learn and gain more knowledge about global issues and develop leadership skills. This programme also help individuals gain confidence and enables them to stand in the crowd all alone.

Ms. Kumar is a friendly person and bonds easily with everyone here at UNA Fiji. This nature of Ms. Kumar makes her bond very well with all the UNA Fiji members. "The best moment being at UNA Fiji was experiencing unknown individuals turning into a family".

Sacrificing half an hour daily helps Ms. Kumar to balance UNA Fiji time while on the hand, remaining time is contributed to family and studies.

Teamwork and love from members is what kept Ms. Kumar united with UNA Fiji.

Apart from being part of UNA Fiji, Ms. Sweta loves dancing and is at the same time a dancer with the Yuva Dance Crew, one of the most famous dance groups of Fiji.

With Class, Dignity, & Elegance –





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