Meet Ambassador Hon. Mr. Ishoda

Meet Ambassador Hon. Mr. Ishoda. He is the Senior Vice-Patron of UNA Fiji. As our Patron, he acts as our Ambassador, Adviser, and Motivator.
Ambassador Mr. Ishoda is the Ambassador of the Republic of the Marshall Islands to the Republic of Korea. He had previously served as the 7th Ambassador appointed by the Republic of the Marshall Islands to Fiji, the Pacific Islands, and the Regional Organizations based in Suva with core responsibilities as key political advisor to the President and Cabinet members and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Prior to his appointment, he was the Charge‘d Affaires and later the Deputy Chief of Mission for the RMI Embassy in Fiji. Responsibilities included the advancement of RMI's political, social, economical, and cultural agenda for Fiji, Regional Organizations, and Pacific Island Countries. Key outputs included the greater regional integration of RMI’s Climate Change Policy and Nuclear Justice agenda within key institutions and across Pacific narratives.
Ambassador Mr. Ishoda had been a key technical lead in regional policy development and reforms of the political, economical, and social issues across different Pacific Leaders Agenda, which includes the Blue Pacific Narrative, the Boe Declaration, and other important regional agendas placing RMI's interests for implementation strategies.
As a principle political advisor, His Excellency has chaired and participated in many regional working committees that have advanced RMI's political position and negotiation leverage in key regional outcomes and strategies.
In his several years of work with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, he has worked in different capacities from senior policy advisor for Multilateral Environmental Agreements, negotiator to on climate change, including a member of the 2013-2015 national team leading negotiations towards the Paris Agreement. He was also involved as a negotiator for the SIDS SAMOA Pathway 2015 and the 2030 Global Development Agenda (SDG2030).
In recent developments, Ambassador Mr. Ishoda has been highly involved in the Pacific Islands Forum Officials’ discussions in the policy decision-making processes and garnering support for the national interests of the Republic of the Marshall Islands. In addition, he has been co-leading the discussions around the proposal submitted by the RMI and the Solomon Islands to the IMO on GHG levy, which aims to incentivize the international shipping sector to transition from heavy fuel intake to a more sustainable and low carbon industry. He had been one of the influential advocates in rallying Global support for an International Carbon Levy and the recent submission for zero emissions and carbon neutrality no later than 2050 leaving none behind
He’s been recognized as a key lead in the Micronesian sub-grouping in Suva where he provides strategic knowledge and advice around arising issues and providing possible solutions to minimize such political and regional strains.
During his tenure as a Diplomat, Ambassador Mr. Ishoda has served under three Governments.
With Class, Dignity & Elegance-