UNA Fiji’s BDTP 2023 Orientation Ceremony

The United Nations Association of Fiji (UNA Fiji) in partnership with the U.S. Embassy Suva welcomed 45 new Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP) trainees. The Orientation Ceremony to welcome these trainees was held today at Dudley High School in Suva, Fiji.
The Chief Guest at the event was the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation of the Republic of Fiji, Hon. Mr. Villiame Gavoka. The Guests of Honour were The U.S. Ambassador to Fiji, Her Excellency Hon. Ms. Marie Damour and Samoan High Commissioner to Fiji, His Excellency Hon. Mr. Ali'ioaiga F. Elisaia.
The Founder and President of UNA Fiji Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali thanked the U.S. Embassy for sponsoring this year's BDTP.
On 02 November 2022, UNA Fiji received US$14,000 through the U.S. Embassy's Public Diplomacy Small Grants. The money will be used to conduct BDTP 2023 which will help participants develop their research, writing, and public speaking skills, while also engaging them in service projects to help those in need.
Hon. Mr. Villiame Gavoka told the trainees that "Diplomacy is an art and the diplomat is the artist". Mr. Gavoka added that he wished that such a programme had been offered to him when he was young.
He further told the trainees that diplomacy is more than international affairs and it is about listening, understanding, and acting with tact. Hon. Mr. Gavoka conveyed to the trainees that BDTP is a great opportunity for them and the youth of Fiji.
The U.S. Ambassador to Fiji Her Excellency Hon. Ms. Marie Damour said that the U.S. Embassy is proud to support UNA Fiji’s vision of promoting leadership through the art of diplomacy. In her speech, Ms. Damour told the trainees that the U.S. Embassy shares the same value as UNA Fiji in fostering education, demonstrating commitment, and celebrating diversity.
Ambassador Ms. Damour encouraged trainees to develop networks and learn as much as they could through peer mentoring.
Samoan High Commissioner to Fiji, His Excellency Hon. Mr. Ali'ioaiga F. Elisaia told the trainees that everything in life has a starting point which becomes a point of reference. He also stressed that diplomacy is omnipresent in all aspects of life and to think global and act local.
Governance Advisor of UNA Fiji, Ms. Lorraine Seeto, and Mr. Ali were glad to welcome the new, successful applicants of the BDTP.
Speaker from BDTP 2022 who is also a member of UNA Fiji Hon. Ms. Ilisapeci Diili who provided the information from a trainee’s insight and motivated them to continue working hard. "It was one of the greatest challenges for me and my fellow colleagues last year, yet a worthy chance to achieve in learning the art of diplomacy initiated by this wonderful organization". She told the trainees the passion and love that developed in their hearts has taught them the importance of teamwork, dedication, and hard work. Mr. Diili looks forward to learning more on how she can become a change maker, the voice of her community, and her nation, but this diplomacy training has taught her more than that.
The UNA Fiji would like to thank our advisors Hon. Mr. Vikrant Chandra (Legal Advisor), Hon. Ms. Lorraine Seeto (Governance Advisor), Hon. Ms. Arieta Koila Costello (Peace Building Advisor), Hon. Mr. Rizwan Hussain (Financial Advisor), Hon. Ms. Rebecca Irby (Special Advisor and Representative/Delegate), Hon. Ms. Natalia Sagrario (Strategic Advisor) and Hon. Mr. Ronald Rishay Dip (Independent Audit Advisor) for their continuous support towards the growth and development of the organisation.
The UNA Fiji would also like to thank our Auditor Hon. Mr. Mohammed Moshin Khan for his continuous support towards the organisation.
After the orientation programme, the trainees had their first BDTP class where they were familiarized with the background of UNA Fiji, its rules and regulations and protocol.
On behalf of UNA Fiji, we would like to thank everyone present for making the orientation ceremony a success.
We once again thank our partners, Dudley High School, Reverse The Trend, CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation , Fiji Council Of Social Services, The Fiji National Volunteer Steering Committee (FNVSC) Pacific Islands Climate Action Network - PICAN PEAC Institute Peace Education & Art Communication, Sai Prema Foundation Fiji, and Pidf Secretariat The Pacific Islands Development Forum for standing by us to help more Fijians through various initiatives.
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