23 graduands of UNA Fiji’s Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP) 2021 finally became graduates on Saturday, 5 March 2022 at The University of the South Pacific (USP), Laucala campus, Suva. In attendance were distinguished individuals, including Ambassador Retired and former High Court Judge, H.E. Mr. Isikeli Mataitoga – who was the Chief Guest for the event, with Samoan High Commissioner H.E. Ali’ioaiga Mr. Feturi Elisaia, Charge d’affaires ad interim the United States Embassy to Fiji Mr. Tony Greubel, and Acting British High Commissioner H.E. Mr. Paul Welsh as invited guests of honor.

The Diplomacy Training Programme is UNA Fiji’s major programmatic work and promotes the concept of “leadership through the art of diplomacy” through an interactive learning experience that aims to create Active Fijian Citizens who go on to become Active Global Citizens by inspiring change in Fijians and paving a brighter future for our beloved nation-state.

Chief Guest, Ambassador Retired, H.E. Mr. Mataitoga commended the graduates for the knowledge and experience they received through the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme and told them how fortunate they were to have participated in it. He shared his own experiences as a diplomat during his service to the Republic of Fiji and gave key advice on how to become successful diplomats, stressing the importance of having integrity, being courteous, staying relevant and showing empathy. He encouraged the graduates to “never feel small because you are from a small country, have a guerilla mindset and don’t be limited by what’s in front of you. Always think big and develop skill sets that are multifaceted whilst staying focused on your diplomatic mission and express friendliness so it becomes infectious and opens areas in diplomatic engagement” were just some of the notable remarks made by Ambassador Mataitoga.

In his address to the graduates, Samoan High Commissioner H.E. Ali’ioaiga Mr. Feturi Elisaia encouraged them to “treat your family, your community, your organization, your workplace, your Fiji, and our Pacific region as your United Nations. Contextualise and translate the UN agenda, including SDGs into the everyday needs and aspirations of all Fijians,” He continued by recommending that they should relate the UN charter to the Fijian context to better tackle everyday issues and challenges faced within the nation. High Commissioner Mr. Elisaia also spoke on the importance of family values, female representation in communities, and diplomacy, saying, “Don’t advocate because it’s fashionable to do so, rather walk the talk as actions speak louder than words”. He also reminded that the best way to solve a problem is to look at it from all perspectives. 

Charge d’affaires ad interim the United States Embassy to Fiji Mr. Tony Greubel also congratulated the BDTP2021 graduates saying, “This is your day, you worked hard for it,”. When speaking about his experience at the United Nations Headquarters in New York, he also mentioned how international organisations such as the UN implement world order through the art of diplomacy and the importance of world order, such as during the Covid-19 pandemic. Mr. Greubel went on to commend how every Pacific Island country present at the UN General Assembly last week voted ‘yes’ on a resolution to the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, reminding everyone present that every vote matters in the General Assembly, regardless of the size of a nation or region. Mr. Greubel ended his address by saying how proud he was to see them working toward covering international crisis and practicing world order through the art of diplomacy.

Finally, Acting British High Commissioner H.E. Mr. Paul Welsh reminded the graduates on what it means to be a diplomat and public servant. “As a diplomat you must defend the position of your country, that you personally may not agree with,” he said. High Commissioner Mr. Welsh also paid tribute to the Association, its President Mr. Akmal Ali, and the BDTP 2021 graduates who he had also addressed in a training session facilitated in 2021. He also acknowledged and praised the Island nations for standing together in condemning the recent actions of Russia towards Ukraine, mentioning how proud he too was of their sense of resolve. “Each vote is equal… your vote, your voice, your opinion, has equal resonance as the United States or any other country”. He reminded the graduates that they can make a difference in people’s lives and hopes that some of them will find their way into the area of Diplomacy and International Relations.

The BDTP 2021 graduation ceremony was long-awaited due to the Covid lockdown period last year and the necessary postponement of the training sessions. However, as graduate speaker, Ms. Setaita Lomani said “COVID-19 did not stop us. It reminded us to cherish the small, important elements in life.”  She also highlighted that despite differing backgrounds and expertise, diplomacy united her and her fellow graduates’ and made them one. She ended her speech with encouragement and a reminder, saying, “We have reached this level, and there is only one way from here – UPWARD. Let us reach out to others and pull them up. Go out, teach, and empower. Share the knowledge, make a difference, and make an impact.”

Special Awards were presented to the following graduates during the ceremony:

Graduate Speaker Award & Best Research Award – Ms. Setaita Lomani

Coordination Award – Mr. Divend Singh

Meritorious Award – Ms. Arti Chand

Best Delegate Award – Mr. Sanjay Prasad

Honorable Mention – Ms. Stephannie Ali

Activist Award – Ms. Alzaaria Nisha

Dedication Award – Mr. Navneet Chandra

Best Team Award – Be Positive

Certificate(s) Of Appreciation - Mr. Joshua Solomone & Mr. Illimo Daku


Before officially closing the ceremony, tokens of appreciation crafted by graduate of BDTP 2021, Ms. Arti Chand were presented to the special guests. The President of the Association Mr. Ali also received a token of appreciation as the graduates’ way of thanking him for helping them on their diplomatic journeys and for the invaluable knowledge he has imparted to the graduates through the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme.

A vote of thanks was moved by UNA Fiji’s Governance Advisor Ms. Lorraine Seeto, who also spoke on behalf of UNA Fiji’s Patron, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Fiji to the Republic of Indonesia H.E. Mr. Amenatave Yauvoli and Senior Vice-Patron of UNA Fiji Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Marshall Islands to South Korea H.E. Mr. Tregar Albon Ishoda, who sent their upmost gratitude to all those who contributed to the event and the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme as a whole. 

Once again congratulations to the graduates of BDTP 2021 on a job well done and a big vinaka vakalevu to all those who attended and helped make the event a success. Special thanks to the friends and family of all the graduates and facilitators of the BDTP sessions for their continuous support towards molding our young leaders into becoming Active Fijian citizens of their beloved nation.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance –






The 8th and 15th January 2022 heralded this year’s first model UN conference where 28 trainees became delegates at a Special Committee of the General Assembly to discuss the rights of refugees, asylum seekers, and those who are internally displaced.

Mr. Ram, President of MUN Conference Day #1, and member of UNA FIJI formally opened the conference and commended the trainees’ efforts in making it through the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme 2021 thus far and congratulated the forum on their new roles as ambassadors. He closed his speech with a reminder from the former UN Secretary-General Mr. Ban Ki Moon that this new role they have undertaken prepares them for life as global citizens with the ability to draft resolutions, plot strategy, negotiate with allies as well as adversaries with a goal to resolve conflict, to be able to cope with natural disasters and bring nations together.

Opening speeches were made and position papers were presented by each delegate to express their respective nations’ stances on the following topics: -

1. Should refugees be allowed to work and be provided with education and have a national identity?

2. Should Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States accept more refugees from the Middle East and Africa?

3. LGBT’s are not genuine asylum seekers and thus shall not be given asylum?

4. Should there be a controlled way to help refugees in camps and allow the host country to decide for themselves how many refugees they want to take in?

5. Internally displaced persons and the challenges they face, what can be done to reduce domestic refugees due to climate change?

Among many points presented by the delegates, a strong and humbling statement made by the delegate of the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal: “In war and politics, we have forgotten humanity” was presented in the open dialogue. On this premise, lengthy discussions and debates led to a unanimous draft resolution being drawn up towards a positive outcome for all in relation to the topics raised during the summations.

After officially closing the BDTP 2021 MUN Conference, the day came to an end with a vote of thanks being shared by and on behalf of the trainees of BDTP Class 2021-2022 by Mr. Alipate Wara followed by a vote of thanks on behalf of the members of UNA FIJI by President of UNA FIJI, Mr. Akmal Ali, who also thanked the trainees for upholding themselves with Class, Dignity, and Elegance throughout each class.

Once again, on behalf of Team UNA FIJI, we congratulate the 25 trainees who participated in the MUN Conference as ambassadors during summations and wish them well on their respective journeys to becoming better leaders of tomorrow.

With Class, Dignity and Elegance -





10,000 mangrove seedlings were planted and over 40 bags of waste were collected and disposed of from the beach beside Tikaram Park, Lami, Republic of Fiji. This was a part of UNA Fiji’s bi-annual community impact project, through BDTP 2021 in partnership with Ministry of Forests, Fiji. and the Pacific Islands Development Forum (PIDF).

His Excellency Ambassador Solo Mara, Secretary-General of PIDF remarked, “Today when I stood here, I saw so many young people. This makes me truly happy because you’re not doing it for anyone else but yourself and the future generations. It’s great to see young people taking responsibility”.

The day called for all hands-on-deck with the mentioned activities being carried out by members of UNA Fiji, the BDTP trainees, as well as staff of the Ministry of Forestry to take the time to help protect and replenish natural resources, reduce shoreline erosion, and protect coastal communities against coastal flooding and other threats that have increased in probability due to climate change. In relation to combating climate change, P.S. Mr. Pene Baleinabuli spoke on the prevalence of climate change today and how one of the best ways to combat it is to get on ground level and plant a tree – as done this Saturday.

“This project was chosen in pursuit of beginning a mindset of stewardship for the planet as a mindset for the youth of today who would safeguard it for the future generations to come”, shared Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali, UNA Fiji President.

Mangroves are a valuable natural resource (and a national treasure for an island nation like Fiji) and take a lifelong to grow to its full potential hence, the urgency to plant as much as we can in our combat against Climate Change. Nutrients and carbon from mangrove forests provide essential support to other near-shore marine ecosystems such as coral reefs and seagrass areas, and enrich coastal food webs and fishery production. The physical presence of Mangroves along the coastlines and rivers also provides the first line of defense against cyclones, high winds, and storm surges.

It is estimated that globally, mangroves provide at least $1.6 billion, or US$ 900,000 per square kilometer in ecosystem services annually. Such services include protecting foreshores, fisheries production and supply of building materials but also tourism, recreation and improving water quality. Mangrove ecosystems are also one of the best, and largely overlooked Carbon Sinks (MangrovesforFiji).

On behalf of Team UNA Fiji, we thank all those present on Saturday who helped in making the day a grand success through commendable teamwork, and by taking a proactive initiative in the fight against climate change.

With Class, Dignity and Elegance -





Fittingly, the final, in-class session conducted as part of the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme 2021 was led by the President of UNA Fiji, Mr. Akmal Ali, who discussed the relationship between mindfulness and diplomacy through a Mindfulness Workshop.

This week’s session was extremely reflective and taught us how to be present in the moment and be more mindful of our words. This involved a meditation class starting with breathing exercises to teach how mindfulness begins with silence and the ability to reflect which plays an important part in diplomacy and the ability to say the right thing at the right time and act in a calm and collected manner, free of hostility, always remembering our purpose in life and speaking with class, dignity, and elegance.

“To be mindful is to be conscious or aware of something and focusing our awareness on the present moment”, reiterated Mr. Ali. To add, he emphasized on the importance of acknowledging our triggers in order to be more mindful of others – but more specifically, ourselves. When negative thoughts and emotions arise, we must acknowledge and notice them, take the time to breathe and let them pass to focus on the moment and be present in it.

Furthermore, being mindful means being at peace. As mentioned by Mr. Ali, one can truly be at peace with others if they are at peace with themselves. In other words: Accept yourself, realise your flaws, be true to yourself and never stoop to the level of those who wrong you because “the truth may be bitter, but it is always sweet in the end.” Being grateful, showing gratitude, exercising our minds by reading and meditating etc. and voicing positive self-affirmations helps us exude and attract the like in others, thus setting a stable platform for open dialogue and good communication – which ultimately helps us to anchor ourselves better, be more mindful and present in the moment, and practice diplomatic mindfulness as “the blood of diplomacy is communication”.

Finally, the workshop concluded with a grounding session to strengthen everyone’s mindfulness using the 5,4,3,2,1 method which involves the 5 senses (i.e., sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste), followed by a trust exercise to liberate and free us of our own bonds. The day ended with much contemplation, but most importantly, newfound perspectives and perceptions for all those present, simply by teaching that “In order to make peace, we need to be at peace.”

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance-





Today, we were pleased to have Ms. Emeline Siale Ilolahia, Executive Director of @Pacific Islands’ Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (PIANGO Pacific 2030 ), who took the trainees through the tenets of ‘Adaptive Leadership.’

Adaptive leadership is the process of mobilising people to tackle tough challenges and thrive with a specific emphasis on positive change. In contrast to a technical challenge, whereby we need to follow strict guidelines to reach a goal e.g., cooking a dish or assembling an IKEA wardrobe, an adaptive challenge demands flexibility and an outlook which is intuitive and gets the job done no matter how dysfunctional a situation may seem. As highlighted, the biggest challenge is when individuals treat adaptive challenges with a technical approach. Hence, it is imperative that young individuals understand adaptive leadership to practise active citizenry.

As a matter of solution, we need to connect to our purpose and figure out why we do what we do. By ‘getting on the balcony’ where we become objective and produce a mindset shift, can we only learn to be adaptive and treat each challenge as an opportunity to do and be better, rather than giving up on the climb.

Furthermore, we also had an early celebration for International Volunteers’ Day (#IVD2022) and Ms. Ilolahia constructed upon our foundations of self-lessness, kindness, helpfulness, and satisfaction to reflect on our perception of volunteerism. This ties back to how we need to be adaptive leaders to be effective volunteers and do good for our target communities.

Ms. Setaita Lomani expressed her gratitude to Ms. Iloiahia especially for dissecting adaptive leadership and highlighting the importance of safeguarding the spirit of volunteerism as people of Pasifika and not being blinded by western influences.

In the second session, we talked about Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and how it is relevant to every global citizen regardless of profession or personality. UNA Fiji is particularly passionate about SDG 4.7 which focuses on global citizenship education and bases its programmes to achieve this goal amongst others such as condemning nuclear testing in the Pacific, advocating, and creating awareness for Climate Change (SDG 13) and Gender Equality.

Ultimately, we took the trainees through the process of drafting resolutions in UN committees, and the special language and register used to solidify it as a means of achieving common international goals.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance-





In an informative and interactive session, Mr. Josaia Tokoni, Team Leader-Research at Fiji Council Of Social Services (FCOSS) took us through Public Finance Management (#PFM) which focused on well-being and livelihoods in post- #COVID19 Fiji.

Trainees learnt about budget tools and resources needed in making submissions to the government when constructing the national annual budget. In mock exercises, trainees were able to simulate issues such as lack of sanitary pads in evacuation centres, roads in settlements and water tanks in schools at times of water cuts.

We were also taken through the Citizens’ Budget Guide developed by FCOSS with support of United Nations Development Programme - UNDP and PIANGO Pacific 2030 thanks to funding by the European Union in the Pacific which is supposed to be a laymen’s guide to the budget process, hence, opening prospects of greater participation in the auditing process by common people leading to profound active citizenry. It improves perception of budgets, promotes transparency, and encourages Fijians to take an active part in the budgeting process.

In hearty thanks, Ms. Kini Sovanivalu expressed in her vote of thanks, “as trainees coming from diverse academic and cultural backgrounds, we appreciate the wisdom and knowledge from your area of expertise as we are always willing to learn new things.”

Furthermore, in preparation of the trainees’ first Model UN conference, Mr. Ali outlined the need for being concise in the works of the UN and daily life. This ties to the act of negotiation which is needed in any diplomatic arena. We also talked about the concept of Pacific Diplomacy which has always existed, thus alluding to the uniqueness of Pacific society and culture. To be able to represent our delegated nations, we need to research country profiles, learn about a country’s allies and adversaries, and follow cultural protocols practised in the countries. This would include dressing formally up to cultural standards and refraining from cultural appropriation.

“… to negotiate know yourself, your needs and wants, and understand your weaknesses and strengths. Look for opportunities, identify threats and be mindful” was a strong piece of advice imparted by Mr. Ali to make negotiation more efficient and efficacious.

In a nutshell, a negotiator is someone who can understand and is understood by people.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance-





Today we welcomed Mr. Aneet Kumar, Deputy Secretary-General of the University of South Pacific Students’ Association (USPSA), who is also a fervent youth advocate in the Pacific region. Having represented Fiji and the Pacific internationally, he shared some inspiring words with the BDTP 2021 trainees. In a talanoa session facilitated by the Hon. President of UNA Fiji, Mr. Kumar highlighted the importance of making hard sacrifices to balance work and studies.

“… Stay on the path to a fixed goal and never give up. Keep your eyes cemented it and walk towards it with honesty and integrity” answered Mr. Kumar when asked how he balances working a 40-hour week while studying a Bachelor of Arts majoring in international relations and politics. He was recently admitted to the bar and accredited his success to admitting his flaws to propel himself forward, treating friends and family as scaffolding that ameliorates individuals, embracing your uniqueness, and acknowledging those who have helped you endure hardships. A few years back, Mr. Kumar received diplomacy training at New York University (NYU) and learnt the importance of commerce and national security in the world of diplomacy. As someone who specialises in advocating for issues such as nuclear testing and climate change (major controversial issues affecting the Pacific), he advised being professional and honourable in the face of any hostility or underestimation which comes with representing smaller island states as we need to have our voices heard even if it means stepping out of our comfort zones.

As expressed in her vote of thanks, Ms. Rashna Chand, a trainee stated: “... your story on the obstacles you faced in life on your way to success has proven that nothing is impossible and to never give up on what we dream of.”

To sum up, he highlighted the need to build onto our relationships in any sphere of life: professional or personal, and to spend time with people who are more knowledgeable and thus have our thoughts challenged to the point of metamorphosis into constantly-improving individuals.

The other sessions of the day focused on Active Citizenry. “Turn to your local leaders for inspiration rather than looking outside- that is what will hold us firmly to our roots and heritage” …this was a piece of advice shared by the Hon. President of UNA Fiji as we embarked on a day of flipping through the pages of our socio-political history, and asking how this shapes the identity of our youths today.

Hence, we discussed the importance of a constitution and the need to practise active citizenry by familiarising ourselves with it and voting to have our voices heard. In a highly interactive fashion, we learnt about how the people of Fiji, regardless of race, religion or creed have shaped our modern oasis of a nation whereby under the 2013 constitution we enjoy rights such as equality, justice and quality education.

Later on in the class, we talked about UN rules of procedure, types of discussion at UN, and the flow of debate. In essence, it encompasses values such as accommodating fairness, democracy, addressing issues with facts while refraining from personal attacks, and sticking to relevant and concise information when researching for their first model UN summation where the trainees will be delegated countries to represent.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance-





Today’s class marked another successful training session for the trainees of UNA Fiji, the guest speaker being the Legal Adviser of United Nations Association of Fiji, Honourable Mr. Vikrant Chandra, and was introduced to the class by Ms. Sera Dau, who is a trainee of UNA Fiji.

Mr. Chandra described some of the qualities in his address, which was classified as the ‘Leaders Toolkit’ namely, integrity, empathy, genuineness, and humility. This was explained by taking a real-life case study of the court proceedings and giving points on the above characteristics as a lawyer and a considerate person.

Furthermore, Mr. Chandra added that humility comes from not being too proud of ‘yourself’ but being humble, otherwise “you” will be humbled. Moreover, he gave a brief session over the Fijian Constitution and gave insights on the ‘No Jab No Job Policy’ with reference to sections, 11(3), 20(1), and 20(5). Adding on, he explained the use of effective reading, which is based on the relevancy of the information and requirements, as a person must not garner irrelevant and abundance of information, as a person will be wasting his time; by using his time wisely, as he was also able to be a 4-time Amateur Golf Champion while studying and practicing law.

To show our appreciation to Mr. Chandra for being in today’s class a gift was presented to him by the UNA Fiji Trainee, Ms. Salasini Fong. The morning session concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by trainee member, Mr. Alipate Wara, to thank Mr. Chandra for taking his time out of his busy schedule all the way from Ba to impart extensive knowledge on leadership and insight on the constitution to the future leaders of Fiji. Mr. Wara acknowledged the leadership tools that Mr. Chandra had shared of integrity, empathy, genuineness, and humility, and how these were correlated to the 3 Principles of UNA Fiji which were Class, Dignity, and Elegance. Moreover, Mr. Wawa ended his speech with these words, “The cost of your traveling and accommodation in Suva, a few hundred dollars, the cost of hosting the whole UNA Fiji program, a few thousand dollars, the cost of the project at Navua, a few thousand dollars but the cost of the class you conducted today, it was PRICELESS”

Moving on, the trainees continued with their learning on points of motion from Class# 9 with Hon. Mr. Shivnesh Ram and Hon. Mr. Shivneet Kumar in accordance with the D’MUN Handbook by which they were directed to follow the UN diplomatic session.

Furthermore, the trainees then followed the teachings of the previous BDTP sessions by conducting a mock diplomatic conference under the guidance of the Hon President, Mr. Akmal Ali, so the trainees can understand the procedures of a UN Conference by directly practicing the procedures.

On the behalf of UNA Fiji, we seize this opportunity to appreciate and thank Mr. Chandra for making the tenth class of the BDTP a high-yielding and intellectual session. This was accomplished within the protocols set by the Hon. Fijian Government.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance-




Basic Diplomacy Training Programme (BDTP) 2021 Class #9 Saturday, 6 November 2021. Guest Lecture #5 , and Model United Nations Conference.

This class marked another successful training session for the trainees of UNA Fiji, The guest speaker, The Permanent Secretary for Forestry, and the Acting Permanent Secretary for Fisheries in Fiji, His Excellency Mr. Pene Nonu Baleinabuli, and was introduced by Ms. Stephanie Ali, who is a trainee of UNA Fiji.

In His Excellency’s address, he shared his views and the objectives and composition of the Ministries of Fisheries and Forestry. This included the plans for the management, conservation, and sustainable development of the nation’s resources in partnership with the various sectors involved.

Mr. Baleinabuli made strong points on the importance of having leadership skills and an in-depth understanding of the country’s demographics and demand and supply chain. He also added that the ability to analyze (i.e., to be able to contextualize, read, write and decipher) is vital when marketing your country for business. To be a good diplomat, one must be culturally sensitive to other nations, whilst researching and understanding his own nation’s socio-economic and political background, in order to be tactful and assertive when acting as a representative for their country in the international arena. He ended off by saying that, as a Fijian diplomat, “You [We] have to be a Fijian champion in order to protect our assets and resources.”

The morning session concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by trainee member, Ms. Laisani Sema thanked Mr. Baleinabuli for taking time out of his busy schedule to impart extensive knowledge and insight to the future leaders of Fiji.

Moving on, the trainees continued with their learning on points of motion from Class# 8 with Hon. Mr. Shivnesh Ram and Hon. Mr. Shivneet Kumar in accordance with the D’MUN Handbook by which they learned how to raise a motion such as ‘motion to adjourn the debate’ properly and concisely similar to a UN conference.

Furthermore, they obtained information on being a diplomat, submitting position papers, and, the roles of the committee chair, rapporteur, timekeeper, and guide on how to perform note passing. Lastly, the trainees were then divided into groups to practice a sample dialogue of a diplomatic session in an ordered and proper manner so that they could get the idea on how a UN conference works.

On the behalf of UNA Fiji, we seize this opportunity to appreciate and thank Mr. Baleinabuli for making the ninth class of the BDTP a very yielding and knowledgeable session. This was accomplished with the protocols set by the Hon. Fijian Government.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance-




BASIC DIPLOMACY TRAINING PROGRAMME (BDTP) 2021 Class #8. Saturday, 30 October 2021. Model United Nations Conference.

Classes have commenced once again, with the first class post-Covid19 lockdown in Fiji being a fruitful one, with formal, classroom-based learning and long-awaited discussions led by none other than the President of UNAFiji himself - Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali.

From the start of the training session, an air of optimism filled the room. As the last seven months had been noted to be quite an unfortunate time for many, the class was asked to reflect on their more positive outcomes throughout the period. Many trainees mentioned personal goals being met, and prime achievements being independence, self-reflection, and personal growth during the discussion.

Mr. Akmal then stressed the significance of conversational skills and being prepared in any given situation, emphasizing that these qualities are what make good, credible leaders and stating: “Leaders hear and get heard.”

Moving towards the afternoon, the class had their first Munning session where they first learnt what was MUN (Model United Nations), where students would assume the roles of countries and organizations represented in the United Nations to debate on issues concerning the world.

Furthermore, the participants also learnt the general history of the UN, its six (6) governing UN bodies, and its committees which was taught by our Hon. Executive Member Mr. Shivnesh Ram. Moreover, they also absorbed the information on how delegates speak in UN assembly, MUN conference and in their respective committees, through the usage of several Points of Procedures such as Point of Information to the Speaker which is one of many conveyed by our Hon. Vice-President Mr. Shivneet Kumar from the _d'MUN JUNIOR HANDBOOK_.

Finally, today's session concluded with the participants in groups having an interactive session with the facilitators on how to respectfully raise a Point in the MUN conference and in a committee, with the above activities done while following the COVID-19 protocol issued by our Hon. Fijian Government.

On behalf of UNA Fiji, we would like to thank Dudely High School for providing a venue for our team after a long break, to help the team provide an everlasting impact on our leaders of tomorrow. Thank you, Vinaka vakalevu, and Shukriya.

With Class, Dignity and Elegance-




BASIC DIPLOMACY TRAINING PROGRAMME (BDTP) 2021 CLASS #7. Saturday, 17 April 2021. NEGOTIATIONS workshop by Ms. Koila Costello.

Today marked a dynamic and energetic class for the trainees filled with wise words and engaging group activities, led by Ms. Koila Costello— a distinguished woman in numerous capacities and an expert in Peacebuilding.

This session was very educational whereby the trainees learnt the art of negotiating, building on the knowledge acquired from the Peacebuilding Workshop from last week.

Ms. Costello emphasized on the importance to ‘seize the opportunity’ to help a person out when it is in our power to do so. She went on to say, “Pay attention to the non-verbal cues, don’t just believe the words, listen to what the body is saying,” because what one says and how that person says something are two different things. Therefore, as a peacebuilder, one must be mindful of the other party and pay attention to details to come to a peaceful resolution which works for all parties when facing a conflict.

In the art of Negotiations, The participants were taught that Negotiating is a key factor in peacebuilding, it creates harmony and coexistence between people.

The trainees further learned about the win-win negotiation style. A technique that ensures that both conflicting parties are involved achieve some sort of a win at the end of the day.  The class also learned the intricacy of these in essence. One tool which was taught by Ms. Costello was the Onion/doughnut analysis whereby the layers of an onion can be thought of as POSITIONS of conflicting parties, their INTERESTS, and the NEEDS of the parties, respectively. She added further that this analysis can be used to negotiate.

Moreover, the trainees worked in duos to present scenarios where the aforementioned tool can be used to identify the positions, interests, and needs of conflicting parties in a conflicting situation which guided them to negotiating peacefully.

The day came to an end with a vote of thanks moved by a trainee namely Ms. Alanieta Niumataiwalu to thank Ms. Costello for giving excellent coverage on Negotiations, which will serve as a compass and an inspiration for their ensuing deliberations. The speech ended with a farewell song "Isa Lei" for Ms. Costello, led by our trainee Ane Waqavakatoga.

On behalf of the UNAF, we seize this opportunity to once again appreciate and thank Ms. Costello for making the seventh class of the BDTP a very high-yield and enthusiastic session.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance-




BASIC DIPLOMACY TRAINING PROGRAMME (BDTP) 2021 CLASS #6. Saturday, 10 April 2021. PEACEBUILDING workshop by Ms. Koila Costello.

Yesterday marked another productive class for the trainees of UNAF which was filled with group discussions and wisdom sharing, led by Ms. Koila Costello— a distinguished woman in numerous capacities and expert on Peacebuilding. 

This session was a very interactive one, with the purpose of educating those present on the significance and various aspects of Peacebuilding, with the additional topic: Negotiations, being vaguely addressed. The link between Peacebuilding and Negotiations was also elaborated on in relation to diplomacy — followed by Ms.Costello putting briefly that  “Having diplomacy means to uphold Human Rights and rule of law,” to tie all three keywords together.

Ms. Costello divided the class up into groups, whereby trainees and present members were to discuss on and define key factors associated with the processes of Peacebuilding, as well as answer questions that reiterated the importance of understanding one’s own personal and cultural identity while taking into consideration that the latter plays a great role to many of us individuals living in the South Pacific Region.

The importance of cultural sensitivity and trust was then addressed, as well as how it is important to have proper and clear communication skills when negotiating or simply interacting with friends, family, acquaintances, and strangers of different ethnic and cultural backgrounds.  Ms. Costello ended her teaching session after elaborating on the need to be intentional, as an intentional focus gives you greater clarity around what you want and gives you a sense of purpose in life. 

The day concluded with a vote of thanks was then delivered by a trainee namely Ms. Swaran Lal to thank Ms. Costello for enlightening her colleagues and herself with a very inspirational and powerful presentation on Peace-making and its processes, that will most definitely be beneficial in the future of all presented.  She ended off her address with a quote by Ms. Costello said in the class:  “Team building is about picking each other up and supporting each other in your journey.”

On behalf of the UNAF, we take this opportunity to once again thank Ms. Costello for making the sixth class of the BDTP a very fruitful and productive session.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance-





His Excellency H.E Mr. George Edgar OBE British High Commissioner to the Republic of Fiji ( British High Commission, Suva UK in the South Pacific) honored the second session with his presence as the Guest speaker.

This session was one of great storytelling, where HE shared his over 40 years of experience as a Diplomat for Britain and the EU. This began with the fundamentals of being a successful diplomat, including things such as good communication, creating good personal relations.

HE shared his own experience of how technology has taken over the diplomatic arena, where at one time while based at one of the missions. It was only weekly that letters would come and go to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office or how long it would take to do one letter that would have to be handwritten, typed on a typewriter, and after numerous back and forth finalized.

The importance of language was emphasized as students heard of how at one of the missions the translators interpreted interviews to something different. HE encouraged participants to be open to learning all things and especially languages as it opened doors.

During the event the role of Britain as a Permanent Member was the Security Council, The relationship between Britain and Fiji was also discussed. He was also asked by one of the trainees what he enjoyed the most as a diplomat? To which HE stated that it was being able to create a positive impact in the lives of the underprivileged.

At the end of the programme Mr. Navneet Chandra, one of the Trainees of the programme presented a vote of thanks, on behalf of the trainees to HE  for taking out his precious time out of his busy schedule to give to spend some empowering time with the BDTP 2021 Trainees on a Saturday afternoon.  Mr. Chandra stated that the key message that got him inspired from H.E’s speech “was to look at challenges and embrace to overcome them and very important to learn from it. Being passionate about ones work and giving ones 100% was the key to great success”.

On behalf of UNAF we take this opportunity to Thank H.E for helping make the afternoon of Saturday, 27 March 2021 a grand success, by leaving each and everyone present truly inspired and motivated.

We also would like to acknowledge the kindness of the following who have contributed to the success of BDTP2021 and they are: Vodafone Fiji, Priceline Pharmacy Ba, Dudley High School. Thank you, Vinaka Vakalevu and Shukriya.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance-





Saturday, 27 March 2021 marked yet another successful training session for the trainees of the UNAF,  the guest speaker one being The Ambassador of the Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) to Fiji, His Excellency Mr. Tregar Albon Ishoda, who was accompanied by the First Secretary of The RMI Embassy to Fiji, Mr. Terry Keju.

In His Excellency’s address,  the importance of small countries (like those in the Pacific region) in the diplomatic arena was thoroughly elaborated on, with the topic of ‘diversity’ being constantly emphasized, such as when he reiterated that :  “What separates us (Pacific Islanders) is diversity in the region and it is a good tool in diplomacy, especially in the diverse UN system.”

Moreover, the fundamentals of being a successful diplomat were also highlighted, including things such as good communication, understanding the depth of prevalent issues faced within the region and also the importance of keeping sharp as a diplomat when seated with other nations to address national, regional or global issues.  He then called to attention the structure of the United Nations and how the UN’s hierarchy contributes to some inequality for small regions like the South Pacific whereby the people are still striving to reach a level of equality in the international arena.

However, contrary to his seemingly disheartening words on these struggles, His Excellency concluded his speech with words of encouragement for the trainees,  reminding them that when push comes to shove, a successful diplomat is always prepared during negotiations and remembers and understands their own worth on the diplomatic table -  meaning that even despite being people of a small island nation, it is still possible to make a big change regionally and internationally.

Finally,  the session concluded with the delivery of a vote of thanks by Mr. Salih Khan for His Excellency Mr. Ishoda’s guidance and words of encouragement on good diplomacy and how the main priority of a successful diplomat should be the people,  as His Excellency had said during his address:  “Your passion lies at the community level as a diplomat and your purpose is to serve your people.”

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance-





Today, the BDTP trainees had a productive training session. The Guest speaker for today’s event was Hon. Mr. Bingo Sentsho Thamaga – Chargé d’Affaires South African High Commission in Suva, Fiji, enlightened the trainees on matters such as Human rights and the History of South Africa.

Hon. Mr. Thamaga took a moment to acknowledge the fact that the trainees and he are in a mutual learning and teaching situation. In his book, Pedagogy of Freedom: Ethics, Democracy, and Civic Courage, (also the author of the famous Pedagogy of the Oppressed). Paulo Freire observed: “ Whoever teaches learns in the act of teaching, and whoever learns teaches in the act of learning.”

Furthermore, Hon. Mr. Thamaga talked about how he had read the Constitutions of the Republic of South Africa and the Republic of Fiji and found out that one of the many similarities between the Constitutions was the Bill of Rights in Chapter Two. He mentioned that  Human Rights were established to protect everyone, especially vulnerable groups such as women and children.

Keeping the aforementioned in mind, Hon. Mr. Thamaga raised a question to the trainees on what is the most important Human Right amongst many. After receiving some reasonable replies, he said that these rights are equal, indivisible, and interdependent.

Moreover, Hon. Mr. Thamaga acknowledged the “#talonoa” spirit that the Fijian people have adopted and said that these are similar traits that the Hon. Nelson Mandela had in his journey to create equality and ultimately helped topple the Republic of South Africa's racist system of Apartheid. The “#talonoa” technique encourages dialogue, unity, and shared prosperity amongst the people. Hon. Mr. Thamaga elaborated that as diplomats in the making, please remain nimble, humble, and simple as you serve your country and her people with dignity.

In his concluding remarks, Hon. Mr. Thamaga shared a mantra with the trainees that he had been using throughout his diplomatic journey which is “Always work for a cause, not an applause.”

Ms. Mereani Matanisiga while presenting a vote of thanks stated her appreciation of Hon. Mr. Thamaga reminding everyone to be humble and to look at human beings as equals and how important it was for diplomats to be flexible and to be learners always.

Hon. Mr. Thamaga also presented each of the trainees present with gifts from the South African High Commission to Fiji.

Moreover, the trainees continued with session two of the event named “Holistic Approaches in Leadership”. In their respective groups, Trainees formulated a presentation on a video assignment that they had received and correlated them to the words and values taught by the guest speaker Hon. Mr. Thamaga. This activity aimed to improve the efficiency of a group to deliver a message in a limited amount of time. The training continued with more activities facilitated by Hon. Mr. Akmal Ali. After the training, the trainees were inspired by the words of Hon. Mr. Thamaga and had further improved in skills such as teamwork and presentation.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance –





Today, the BDTP trainees had another fruitful training session. The Guest Speaker for today’s event was Hon. Mr. Antone (Tony) C. Greubel - Chargé d'Affaires US Embassy Suva, Republic of Fiji. He enlightened the trainees on his journey of attaining and living a diplomatic career.

Mr. Tony Greubel, further included in his speech that some of the qualities a student needs to succeed as a diplomat include; not believing everything straight up, reading a lot(about international affairs), analyze which journalists are neutral and which are biased, and knowing about issues in economics. He also provided further ps on how to balance personal life with professional life.

After Mr. Greubel had concluded his speech, one of the Basic Diplomacy Trainees, Mr Jesh Kumar, gave a vote of thanks, on behalf of his fellow trainees, to thank Mr. Greubel for taking time out of his busy schedule to give his address, as well as raise confidence in the trainees’ selves for partaking in the remainder of the training course.

In the trainees’ vote of thanks, the points stated on diplomacy at all levels,  inclusiveness and diversity, as well as good governance were reaffirmed, to name a few.  

Moreover, the event progressed with the trainees carrying out presentations in groups to discuss and put together their reflections made throughout the week after watching three informative videos that elaborated mostly on the topics of disciple, positivity and confidence.  The purpose of this exercise was to engage the trainees to make positive differences in their daily lives using the advice given, as well as to correlate the videos with the three virtues strongly instilled by the UNAF; Class, Dignity and Elegance.

Strong teamwork was shown by all the members and trainees today to help make the 3rd class of the Basic Diplomacy Training a grand success.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance-





Today, the BDTP trainees had a fruitful training session. The Guest Speaker for today’s event was Mr. Paul Welsh, The Deputy High Commissioner, British High Commission, Suva, Fiji. He enlightened the trainees on his journey of attaining and living a diplomatic career. One of our trainees, Ms. Stephannie Ali had posed a question to Honourable Mr. Welsh asking if there’s a process or procedure that diplomats undergo to serve a country. He confirmed that there is indeed a process and further said in a statement that there are questionnaires used now. This highlights the trait that all UNAF trainees are encouraged to come out of their shells and be confident when asking a question and expressing their views regardless of whom they are asking the questions to.

Mr. Paul Welsh, further included in his speech “Some of the qualities that you need to succeed as a diplomat include; Curiosity, Resilience, Patience, Trade-Offs, Communications.”

The Trainees were reassured that if one has all these attributes, he or she will become an outstanding diplomat. Another undeniable and veritable fact that Mr. Welsh brought into the light was that when a person is a diplomat, “Nothing is Below You, so you need to be Agile and Flexible”. The Deputy High Commissioner was joined in by his wife and children later towards the end of the programme.

Moreover, the event progressed with the Presentation of Certificates of Appreciation to UNAF partners who had contributed generously to the progression of UNAF either through donations or partnership. The recipients of the certificates were Ms. Vani Catanasiga, Executive Director of Fiji Council Of Social Services (FCOSS), and Mr. Roy Singh of Suva.

Further, the trainees were taught how to distinguish between their hopes and fears for the class and were also taught the importance of purpose in life. They also were introduced to the protocols of using name tags for official use. The active participation of all the members and trainees working in conjunction helped to make this an enjoyable and productive day.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance-





Today marked the Orientation Ceremony for 47 trainees undertaking the Basic Diplomacy Training Programme 2021 held at Dudley high school, Toorak St, Suva City, Republic of Fiji.

The Chief Guest was His Excellency H.E Mr. Jonathan Curr, High Commissioner of New Zealand to Fiji (New Zealand High Commission, Suva, Fiji). The other honorable guests included Mr. Bingo Thamaga, Chargé d'affaires The Republic of South Africa to Fiji. The Vice-Patron of UNAF Ambassador (Ret’d) Ms. Litia Mawi (Nau Pani).

In his speech to the trainees, HE Mr. Curr encouraged participants to not label themselves, as “Diplomats, but rather remembering that they are and will always be Public Servants’.

Mr. Thamaga shared the importance of flying one’s country flags outside the country with honor and decency.

Vice-Patron Ambassador Ms. Mawi shared the importance of multilateralism and shared her story of if the world was a village of 100 people and in which the Pacific would be just 1 person, thus the importance of being able to work with the rest of the world for the common good of humanity.

In sharing her experience as a Class of 2020 Ms. Beverly Susie Cheer encouraged the participants to commit and testified to be in the training was worth it.

This year we received a total of 505 applications and after a very competitive process. We selected 47 for the class of 2021.

The  Trainees will be given first-hand training on preparing speeches and presenting in multilateral forums, preparing draft resolutions, negotiating with allies and adversaries, resolving conflicts and navigating through rules of procedure, and understanding the dynamics of the international community on peace and security, human rights, the environment, climate change, economic development, and globalization.

We are truly grateful to our partners for their support in making our orientation ceremony a grand success namely Dudley High School and Mr. Shavneet Charan.

During the ceremony, we also Awarded Certificates of Appreciation to the following individuals and organizations for helping UNAF achieve its ultimate goal of Creating #ActiveCitizens, they are

1. Mr. Nanjunda & Mrs. Geetha Rao;

2. Mr. Jai Salin & Mrs. Salochna Kumar

3. Mr. Narendra & Mrs.  Ashish Lata  Kumar

4. Mr. Roy Singh

5. Mr. Shavneet Charan

6. Mr. Kameli Tikoitoga (Kams Tiko)

7. Fiji Council Of Social Services (FCOSS)

8. Ms. Emeline Siale Ilolahia

9. Pacific Island Association of NGOs (PIANGO) (PIANGO Pacific 2030)

10. Mr. Barry Lalley

11. Dudley High School

The huge turnout of the people that attended this event indicates that UNAF is growing as an independent organization and is receiving more recognition than it has in the past years of its operation.

With Class, Dignity, and Elegance-





